Fraudster’s Diary T360 Intro!

Let’s Talk About Fraud

Why write a blog about fraud?

  • Fraud is the fastest growing crime with 5,114,000 crimes reported in England & Wales last year (source; Office for National Statistics).
  • Law enforcement does not have the resources to arrest their way out of the current crisis. It is a problem that is being inadequately addressed
  • A recent legal decision regarding a ‘super-complaint by Which (need logo and trademark) has focussed the attention of the financial services industry in relation to their duty of care to actively prevent fraud and protect their customer’s money.
  • Victims of fraud need greater support and someone to listen to them.
  • A perception that banks and/or law enforcement are not interested in fraud has resulted in significant loss of valuable information.We assist by filling that gap.

What is the purpose of the blog?

  • To educate subscribers regarding the methodology and tradecraft of fraudsters.
  • To raise awareness about how different sorts of scams work.
  • To help prevent subscribers becoming victims of scams in the first place.
  • To create a community which can share information and support each other.
  • To encourage financial services to actively participate in fighting fraud
  • To improve communication between industry, law enforcement and subscribers.
  • To provide an alternative means of reporting fraud.
  • To better understand emerging patterns and trends and identify new types of fraud.

How does it operate?

  • The blog is written by an ex Detective Chief Superintendent from the Metropolitan Police, an ex Head of Action Fraud and a reformed fraudster (!)
  • It is completely free to subscribe to the blog. There are no charges whatsoever.
  • Blog posts are published once a week on a variety of subjects related to fraud and scams.
  • Blog posts are written in an easy to understand language rather than legal or financial services jargon. 
  • Subscribers can contribute their own experiences.
  • Victims can report fraud via the blog rather than use the Action Fraud website.
  • Reports of fraud are passed to Action Fraud and relevant banks etc.

What do we do with information?

  • We aggregate information to identify patterns and trends and share it with subscribers.
  • We summarise it and share it with law enforcement to enrich their intelligence picture.
  • We provide a summary to financial services to assist in their fraud prevention activity.